Entries by jbswellness

Parasites! How did I get parasites?

Parasites are more common than you might think! This is the first question patients ask me when I deliver the news of a likely parasitic infection. I realize the words “parasitic infection” conjure up images of tapeworms and other gross bugs teeming in some third-world child’s belly, so I’m quick to point out that this […]

Got Lower Back Pain on Your Brain?

Our world is filled with the wonder of technology – smart phones, space exploration and the sheer number of cute puppy videos on Instagram – but one problem that will affect up to 80% of the population in its lifetime has yet to be solved: low back pain. Low back pain accounts for more than […]

Back to School Germs

Back to school often means the start of what we call the cold and flu season. With so many children sharing space, germs are inevitably part of the equation.  Conventional wisdom urges us to fear the germs and teaches us that the only way to keep yourself and your family healthy is to scrub, disinfect, […]

Spring Allergy Guide

SPRING ALLERGY GUIDE If you suffer with seasonal allergies you know springtime brings challenges!  Sneezing, itchy eyes, congestion, and fatigue during the spring are symptoms many allergy sufferers are familiar with.  They are also signs that your body could use support as allergies are a barometer for the overall strength of your immune system.  The […]

Muscle Soreness

“Just take an Advil” I recently shared with another health care provider that I had started a new, intense workout program. I shared that the soreness of my muscles was something I had to stay on top of.  She responded, “Just take one Advil before and one Advil after.”  This is a very common response […]

Sick care vs. Health care

There has been a lot of uncertainty with health insurance lately surrounding the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). Debating the pros and cons of the new law is an important conversation to have, but the current discussion seems to overlook some very important issues.  It is time for an overall paradigm shift […]

Body Messages – Brown Skin Spots

One of the more popular new cosmetics product out recently is the “age spot” remover. These brown spots on the skin are not called age spots because you are growing older.     AGE stands for Advanced glycation end-product. Translation: your body cannot handle all the sugar you are eating. You can think of it […]

Body Messages – Red Dots on Your Skin

Our bodies are often giving us messages, so do we know what they mean or that it is a message? Red dots on the skin are an important message. They can show up anywhere on the body; arms, back, chest, face. These little dots are an indication of too much estrogen in the body. They […]

Think Before You Drink…Fiji Water

I am not a fan of plastic bottled water as a rule for several reasons: 1) Cost 2) There are no purity standards 3) Plastic leaches into the water and contributes to the severe hormonal imbalances found in a majority of Americans 4) The enviromental impact of bottling and shipping water all over the world […]

Understanding the Nervous System

Every day in my office I explain how the nervous system works and that chiropractic is not really about neck and back pain but about caring for the nervous system.   Leave it to Schoolhouse Rock to make it so simple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTwASnQ3S6Y&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Efacebook%2Ecom%2Fhome%2Ephp%3Fref%3Dhome&feature=player_embedded